
Serene Promotions (TM) promotes, encourages and supports individual and global awakening. The following videos offer spiritual knowledge. It is the founder's opinion that religious dogma, although it had it's place throughout history, is standing in the way of global enlightenment and spiritual evolution. A new age is dawning and with it comes a choice -- do we let religion hold us back, or do we take the best of what is offered by all religions and blend it all together to create global understanding? After all, the best of each is hugely similar in each case...treat one another the way you wish to be treated...love...forgive...

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The Essene Blessing For Mother Earth

Created by: Humanity Healing Team (Copyright 2011) Partial Rights Reserved
Images Provided by: Video Background, LLC
URL: http://www.humanityhealing.net/
Music: "Parada" by Marcomé
URL: http://www.marcome.com/