A place to honour the elements that sustain our life....
The Angels of Air, Water, Fire and Earth -- they are forces that can either heal us or destroy us; and either/or has a lot to do with whether we honour them or not...
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Achuar v. Talisman Energy: The Struggle Continues
Uploaded by YouTube Channel: AmazonWatch
Shared on Facebook by: Pachamama Alliance
URL: http://www.amazonwatch.org/
URL: http://www.pachamama.org/
It is profoundly disturbing to discover that Calgary-based oil exploration company Talisman Energy has moved into the Peruvian rainforest to pillage and rape this important ecological area to satisfy their oil-lust. It makes one wonder why it doesn't join the other company's in the Northern Alberta tar sands fields that are exploiting our own resources. Does skittering down to a Third-World country where they can operate without the knowledgeable indigenous people of the Cree and Deni tribal councils, or the safety watchdogs of the Alberta Construction Safety Association make more economic sense to the powers that be at Talisman Energy? Shame on them, shame on their board members, shame on their stockholders. Dirty pool at the expense of a people that just want to be left alone on their land with their culture and traditions. SIGN THE PETITION at http://www.amazonwatch.org/
Liquid Color
SHARED by: Anonymous
YouTube Channel: boonekampf
Music by: Mike Oldfield
Featuring the Element of Water; with awesome images of the beautiful and majestic eagle, the awesome multi-colours of the parot, and the sleek grace of the dolphin. This is a wonderful four minutes of soothing water-based beauty.