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Ever So Lonely - Live
Artistic Category: Song
Artist: Sheila Chandra
Uploaded by YouTube Channel: 2StereoFans
Origin: Nat Geo Live Music We Love
With the voice of an angel and a face it is a pleasure to look upon, Sheila Chandra delivers this mystical piece with Eastern grace. Simply and hauntingly beautiful......
Parov Stelar - Catgroove (TSC - Forsythe)
Artistic Category: Dance/Music
Artist: Parov Stelar (aka Märcus Füreder)
Uploaded by YouTube Channel: takeSomeCrime
This young man has the HAPPIEST feet in the world, by far, and that is not a solo opinion as the almost 5.6 million views of this clip can attest too. His moves are FLUID MOTION. What an awesome visualization for good cells fighting bad cells: this happy, happy feel good dance can dematerialize any enemy at the gate. As a matter of fact, from minute 2:17 to 2:31 the clip shows an assault against and a re-grouping of energy....
Locked In A Vegas Hotel Room With A Phatom Flex
Artistic Category: Digital Photographer
Artist: Tom Guilmette
Uploaded to Vimeo by: Tom Guilmette
What happens when a professional has time on his hands and a new work equipment/toy? Well, check out what this photographer accomplished "just for fun" with his new high-speed digital camera....he says he got not much sleep, but WOW, what an awesome video! Amazing talent. Amazing creativity. Just amazing really...
Sand Art - "Emotions"
Artistic Category: Sand Art
Artist: Ilana Yahav
Uploaded by YouTube Channel: sandfantasy2008
Musician: Shlomo Gronich
Watch, as before your amazed eyes, Ilana Yahav manipulates ordinary beach sand into a performance art. Who would have thought that something as innoquous as sand from the beach could be used to create a "painting"? And while your sight is tantalized, keep in mind that the horn being played by Shlomo Gronich as background music is a "shofar", an actual ram's horn.
Sand Art - British Airways fly to San Diego
Uploaded by YouTube Channel: sandfatasy2008
Sand Artist: Ilana Yahav
This clip is included to demonstrate the amazing adaptability of human nature, and how one can take any talent whatsoever and turn it into a marketable skill. Ilana Yahav grew up along the Meditarranean Sea. On her way to and from school she would draw quick pictures in the sand. She says, "God blessed me with hands, sand, and soul". Amen to that!